Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My Banana Slugs

A couple years ago I started an Etsy store that I have since generally stopped using. One of the products that I made was a banana slug hair clip--which was actually my best seller. As a child I had a fascination--or, rather, obsession--with all things creepy crawly. The Banana Slug Hair Clip was something of an adult manifestation of my great childhood love. In a sense, I've never truly given up my obsession with creepy crawlies, I suppose I've, rather, kept it to myself--my personal secret; my old love.

Despite my store being "closed" for a little over a year now, I received a message the other day about my hair clips. It was from a woman whose son--a first grader--has been studying the banana slug as part of a project for school. He wanted to buy one of my clips for his teacher. I thought, how appropriate that a child with a fascination would want to buy something that signifies a childhood fascination of my own?

Since I'm not going to be in school this summer, I thought I might re-open my shop for a couple months. I've been wanting to get back into my "art." We'll see.

In the meantime, here's my shop.

And here're my Banana Slugs.

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